Early Learning
Did you know a child’s brain grows the fastest between Birth and Age 5?
Quality adult-child interactions mean a stronger foundation for learning. When parents and caregivers talk, read and play more with their babies and young children, they have an enormous positive impact on their brain development, vocabulary growth, school readiness, and future academic success. In other words, how (and how much) parents/caregivers engage with their children in the early years will impact the child, their schools, and the community for years to come.
Brain Building with the Daily Vroom app
The Daily Vroom is a brain building tool created by experts in the field of early childhood and it’s easy to incorporate into daily life. Best of all it’s a cost FREE, ad FREE, no strings attached, easy-to-use app. If you don’t like apps, you can sign up for text messages too.
Vroom provides tips and reminders to help parents have fun brain building interactions with their children. Parents simply enter their children’s names and ages, then the app (or text message) gives parents daily age-appropriate tips they can do with each child.
Each tip was created by a team of early childhood experts and vetted with parents. Tips include a “brainy background” that explains the science of brain development and the theory behind the activity. There are thousands of tips—a new one for each day of a child’s first few years of life.
Download the Daily Vroom App from Google Play or the App Store or use the Daily Vroom App directly from the Vroom website.
Developmental Milestones & Screening
Children reach milestones in how they play, learn, speak, act, and move. To view the developmental milestones children should be reaching from 2 months to 5 years, visit www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/index.html.
A developmental screening questionnaire can be administered by early care and education professionals and some healthcare providers to help parents assess their child’s development. To have your child screened for potential delays, please ask your child care, Birth to 3, Head Start provider, school district or doctor for more information.
Early Learning Supports
In addition to promoting quality parent/caregiver and child interactions, TalkReadPlay partner agencies provide programs, services and interventions that will ensure your child has an optimal start to learning.
Not sure who to reach out to for support? Contact Watertown Family Connections at 920.342.7977 and they can help connect you to the early learning resource you need.
Public Health Services
Public Health Services Prenatal Care Coordination (PNCC) is a Medicaid and BadgerCare Plus benefit that helps pregnant women get the support and services they need to have a healthy baby. TalkReadPlay Home Visitation professionals provide evidence-based parenting support through regular personal home visits during a child’s earliest years in life.
City of Watertown Public Health
Dodge County Public Health
Jefferson County Public Health
Birth to 3
Birth to 3 is an early intervention special education program that supports the growth and development of children under the age of 3 who have delays or disabilities.
Dodge County Birth to 3
Jefferson County Birth to 3
Early Head Start & Head Start
Early Head Start and Head Start focus on preparing children for school and parent/family engagement.
Dodge County Early Head Start & Head Start
Available to prenatal families and children 0-5
Income guidelines apply
Jefferson County Head Start
Available to children ages 3-5
Income guidelines apply
School District Early Childhood Services
Special Education Public school districts serve children ages 3-5 with developmental delays or disabilities. Contact your local school district for more information on services.